Monday 23 April 2012

why sometimes it's best to act silly

today is my 21th day working in malaysia and i still have 3 months and 7 days in this O&G department to be exact.. i would consider myself lucky coz other HO in different hospitals have to work longer hours with higher work load.. the hospital i'm working in is quite a small hospital with less number of beds..

well, everyone in the department know that i already finished my housemanship in UK and just have 2 more postings as HO.. the HOD, specialists and other MOs expect me to act, behave and work like a MO.. which causing me a lot of stress.. first of all, i'm very slow in thinking and acting, which explained by the 9 months of unemployment.. and this is a new enviroment to me.. it's very difficult when they expect me:

1) to know that we have to draw our own heparin in syringe for ABG? well, i'm used to ready-made ABG syringe

2) know where ppl keep the needle, syringe, ice, etc etc on the first week?
3) understand what they'r saying during ward round when they talk as if they just have laryngectomy.. i dun even ask them to speak in british accent!! just be clear.. 

4) O&G is a new thing, it's not the same thing with elderly medicine, GP or placement i've done before.. it's a new skills all together.. 

it's really sad, when they ask us to treat the patients as if they are our husband, father, mother etc etc but at the same time they treat their own colleague like shit.. [of course colleague of lower caste].. heavy workload is something i can cope with, but rude seniors who shout, scream and curse are different things all together.. after all we are all adult and we should behave like one..
Dobby, the house elf
i think most MOs/specialists  treat us, HO like a house elf.. if u'r harry potter fan, u should know dobby.. that how we've got treated.. no right whatsoever.. at the end of the day, i just smile and act silly just to get away with their behaviors.. there's no point in dwelling and thinking about it any further that the hospital's gate coz that's the only way for them to express their low self esteem and sense of power.. they'r used to it, it's in their blood.. 

ok, i need to get some sleep.. i'm working from 9pm to 2pm today.. nite nite

Tuesday 6 December 2011


still unemployed.. well, it's partly due to my fault for not submitting the application forms as early as possible.. at first, i was planning to work after raya haji and now it's almost christmas and i'm still lazing around at home..

for you guys out there if u have done 2 years of housemanship abroad please please please submit the relevant forms at least 2-3 months well before ur intended date.. for freshly graduate, the process wouldnt take that long because u pretty much arrange everything urself.. but in my case, i need to send different forms to MMC and KKM which'll take about 2-3 months to process. furthermore, i need to wait for KKM to arrange my SPA interview for god knows when..

in my case, it took about 1 month for MMC to decide on my registration and whether i need to do obligatory placement before i get a post as MO.... to no one surprise, it took longer for KKM to process my application... instead of filling the 'borang maklumat peribadi', i need to send 'multiple entry' form so that i'll get gred UD43.. the thing is, i called them soo many times asking whether i need to send different type of form but they keep on telling me that i need to follow the  same process as freshly graduate.. finally, one lady told me to contact different department which is the 'multiple entry'department [as i called] because if i follow the same process, i'll end up with gred UD41..

actually, it's a bliss for not working before new year.. at least, i'll be well into 2nd trimester! .. hehhe

Tuesday 25 October 2011

kek pelangi karamel

adik aku aritu dia buat kek pelangi karamel, aku pon try lah resepi tersebut.. sangat sedap and senang.. sebab ade karamel dia bawah nak buat lapis2 dia pon senang..

2 sudu besar gula kasar

bahan karamel
setengah tin susu cair
3 biji telur kuning
1 teaspoon essence vanilla
60g gula castor - original resepi 70 g tp dikurangkan

lapisan kek
140g tepung gandum
1 tablespoon baking powder [campur kan bersama tepung gandum]
60g [dikurangkan] gula castor - guna gula icing
3 biji kuning telur
45ml minyak masak - ganti minyak jagung
135ml air biasa

6 biji telur puith
60g [dikurangkan] gula castor - ganti gula icing
1 teaspoon cream of tartar

1) hanguskan gula di dalam loyang, jgn over hangus lak and ratakan2 sebelum gula hangus keras
2) campur egg yolk, susu cair dan gula, kemudian tapiskan ke atas karamel, untuk mendapatkan karamel yg cantik, kurangkan buih2
3) pukul egg yolk dgn air, kemudian masukkan gula dan pukul lagi
4) masukkan air kosong dan minyak masak pukul sehingga sebati.. lastly baru masukkan tepung..
5) sediakan meringue dgn memukul white eggs, cream of tartar dan gula.
6) bahagikan bancuhan ke dalam bekas berlainan dan warnakan ikut rasa hati
7) lapis2kan seperti dibawah.

satu lapis dahulu

hasil dibuat yeneyn, senget
ulang2 lapis dengan color2 yg lain

hasil ditengah

8) masak selama sejam secara bain-marie [water bath], just letakkan satu loyang air dibawah kek sahaja or kalu rajin buatlah water bath btol2
9) makan sejuk2 pon sodappp

hasilnye.... sedap

Monday 24 October 2011

kek marble gebu

well, bukak2 almari, tgk2 ade 2 tupperware marjerin yg tidak digunakan.. ape lagi, carilah resepi utk buat kek.. google2 resepi jumpa lah resepi glamer ini..

kek marble

300 g marble
280g tepung + 1 teaspoon baking powder
250g gula castor
1 camca besar ovalette
5 telur
50ml susu cair

1) pukul mentega and tepung dahulu dan ketepikan
2) pukul gula, telur and ovalette skali dan setelah kembang campurkan bancuhan mentega dan tepung
3) tambah susu cair
4) bahagikan ikut warna dan lapiskan utk kek marble
5) masak 180 degree selama 40-60 min

sedap n senang

kek nih sedap, moist dan gebu even after few days.. selamat mencuba!!

Wednesday 19 October 2011

happily married

notices that my blog has been abandoned for months.. really busy lately with post wedding cleaning, sorting out surat nikah and stuffs.. LDM [long distance marriage] currently.. boss in KL and i'm here, in kampung doing various jobs to make ends meet.

dah sebulan lebey aku kawen.. n masih malas nak sambung keje.. i think i've been unemployed for almost 3 months.. [ 3 months in a week time to be precise... hehhe].. borang MMC sudey hantar before i went for my honeymoon to sabah.. my gut feeling tells me that i'll have to do O&G and paed to get full registration... hoho.. i'll be the oldest HO in history.. and hello suffering, sleepless nights, and tortures..

the best moment in my life - honeymoon to sabah