Monday 1 August 2011

Sold. Sayonara. Sad.

 i'll be leaving on a jet plane in the next 24 hrs.. no more turning back.. nadaaa..

pink bike, hope you enjoy ur new life with the new owner..
always cherish our memories.. u've been  very good to me.. 
i've been counting the days and now when it comes, it just feels soo surreal.. mix feeling. Sad. Excited. Tired. sold my pink bicycle already.. terima kasih ebay bidders coz the price went up to 100+.. n because of that, i bought my mum a new skechers shape-up sandal.. mak aku ade tanye ape jenis sandal tuh, aku jawab, sandal utk cantikkan buntot mak.. hahaha..

aku juga dah buat few small dinner parties for my close friends.. ye lah, bukan sll nak jumpe.. plus it helps to empty my kitchen cupboard pon..

my luggages cam dah berat gile.. hopefully less than 30kg.. wedding stuff. presents. clothes. shoes. etc etc..

and today, first day and last day puasa di UK.. karang iftar ramai2.. baru best..

i starts to feel soo tired just from thinking about the long flight home!!

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