Friday 29 July 2011

oreo cheesecake

well, i'll be leaving UK in 4 days.. soo ape lagi, aku mesti testing resepi oreo cheesecake ciptaan aku sbb cheese kat UK murah.. the day after aku balik dr paris, aku terus pegi tesco n borong brg utk buat cheesecake..

4 packets of oreo
500 gm cream cheese
50g melted butter
quarter cup castor sugar
essence vanilla
2 tablespoon cornflour
375ml double cream [ whole elmlea double cream tub]
2 eggs

1) for biscuit base: crush 2 packets of oreo and add melted butter.. gaul sampai rata and then ratakan atas spring foam, bake for 10min n cool it down.. grease the side with butter
2) mix cream cheese, double cream, vanilla essence and sugar [ the cheese mixture kalu x manis sgt ok sbb the oreo dah manis]
3) add eggs and cornflour
4) crush 3/4 packet of oreo, not too small, about 3-4 cm.. fold it in the mixture
5) masukkan atas biscuit base tadi.. n susun oreo on top
6) bake for about 20 min, 170 degree, double bath.. bile tgh2 cake still wobbly and cair [about 5cm], switch off your oven and open the door slightly. biar cake dlm oven for about 1 hr..
7) chill your cake overnight

selamat mencuba!!!

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