Friday 10 June 2011

ada apa dengan istanbul

well, aku baru balik dari jalan2 di istanbul. sangat best ok!! seperti entry aku yang lepas, i didnt pass my mrcp so this trip kind of help me in a way. i think if i stayed in my room, i might u know, binging myself with cakes, desserts and food.. and end up feeling more depressed as i put on more weight..

hidup mahu confident di sini
what i like about istanbul?

1) super easy to reach most of the tourist attraction ie Hagia Sophia, blue mosque, topkapi palace, spice bazaar.. really close to the metro line

2) halal food - sangat best kut dapat makan halal food, xyah nak pikir2 and baca ingredient.. hehe.. must try balik embek.. grilled fish donner, derang masak atas boat tau.. sgt fresh dan tak hanyir

topkapi palace - harem , tempat simpan gundik

3) weather - 30 degree, sgt panas.. tapi angin dia cam nyaman, sejuk2 sket camtu..

4) sebab pound stronger, so aku tak spend banyak sangat

5) solat - solat senang sebab masjid merata2..

6) hotel buffer - kitorang pilih hotel yang include buffet breakfast. walaupon hotel indah khabar dari rupa, tapi ok lah jugak..

7) turkish sangat friendly dengan malaysian - over friendly pon ada, ade few mamat turkey, mintak amik gambar ngan kitorg, macam artis lak you.. haha

8) setengah org naik boat tour tuh, tapi aku n kawan decide x naik sebab rasa cam tak worth it sangat, kalu greece ke, portugal ke, yang ade banyak pretty beach ok lah kut..

begitu lah sedikit sebanyak cerita pasal trip aku.. skang ini aku dah mcam kucing siam, sbb tanned di muka dan di kaki.. hhaha

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