how to break bad news? di sini |
ini rupanya adi putra kegilaan kawan akudi sini |
" weh, expression muka ko kena real"
" cara ko cakap kena soft sket"
wow, rasanya adi putra ke, farid kamil ke, mesti lulus lah osce..
kembali ke main topic, lately i broke a really bad news to one of my patient.. memang sedey sangat, sebab patient tuh baik, siap berterima kasih dekat aku dan she's soo strong.. banyak lagi kisah dia yang menyayat hati, macam jatuh ditimpa tangga..
dulu2 waktu first year houseman, consultant yang breaks bad news, skang nih sebab dah bertitle SHO, aku terpaksa lah breaking news yang tak berapa bagus contohnya : breast cancer yang spread to brain, lung cancer.. memang sedey tau.. especially bila korang tahu prognosis untuk cancer yang spread and cancer seperti lung cancer sangat tak bagus..
aku dah buat chest medicine and most doctors know that prognosis for lung cancer is pretty poor.. months to live.. dan bila that particular patient tanya pasal prognosis, i think she knew that it's pretty bad based on my facial expression.. oh, how i wish i can just hide it.. perkara2 macam nih sangat delicate, kena tailor to that particular patient.. setengah patient, they want to know everything from cause ---> prognosis.. believe it or not ada yang tak mahu tahu langsung.. at the end, i had to be honest and told her about the bad prognosis..
may god bless her...
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