Monday 16 May 2011

anu dalam botol

cerita ini byk orang kutuk sbb ade censored scene n it's about gay... actually aku ternanti2 nak tgk cite nih sbb nak tgk sgt scene censored yg org dok bising tuh.. tapi agak kecewa lah, sbb aku x perasan pon scene tuh censored.. alang2 nak censored tuh buat laa censored btol, bagi clear penonton nampak.. hahha.. or maybe sbb aku tgk kat youtube kut..

lady boys of bangkok
anyway, aku balik dr rumah kawan aku hari ahad setelah puas berfoya2 dan bergembira, and aku gatal lah sgt kan nak balik lambat.. so i took a train at 549 and reached my 'beautiful', 'lovely' and 'peaceful' town around 7pm.. all shops closed after 4pm especially on sunday, not like malaysia.. i felt like i was walking in a dead town.. aku rasa buat pengambaraan zombie kampung pisang pong bley kut.. serious aku gile takut.. aku rasa kalu aku kena rompak n kena tikam xde org perasan.. dah laa tempat aku tinggal nih mmg terkenal tempat org mabuk2 dan high crime rate... plus it cold and wet.. biasalah tropical weather kan..

oh aku mahu ke pantai yang 'panas'
aku pon menapak ke bus stop which was about 5 min walk from the train station.. and tiba ade sorang mamat nih mintak 50 pence konon nak buat tambang bus.. aku buat dek jee ckp aku xde duit.. aku mmg x berani lah nak kuarkan purse or main2 iphone aku, takut kena rompak.. n few people dtg tunggu bus.. aku agak lega.. tiba2 satu bus dtg and everyone hopped on that bus.. i was left on my own.. gile scary kut.. i kept on praying to god.. and luckily the bus arrived 5min later.. fuh fuh.. my heart was racing so fast and i'm pretty sure that i'll get atrial fibrillation if i have to wait 5 min longer..

bahana tgk laki sexy 
aku rasa tobat lah kut aku x amik train lambat2 lagi.. aku rasa waktu student dulu kat manchester sll je amik train or bus mlm2 n still feels safe.. kat sini mmg menakutkan..

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