Sunday 15 May 2011


women and make up are inseparable..  setelah aku consult pakar2 make up di kalangan jambu2 aku, aku rasa aku punye make up dah hampir complete.. bak kata org ini adalah investment.. n kena pandai2 gak cari waktu ade offer

soo aku nak warning, entry ini hanya utk girls saje.. buang masa jee kalu org laki baca..

1) foundation - i only tried estee lauder - double stay wear so far.. its really good.. blends well with your skin and make your skin look smooth... i havent use it in malaysia though, so cant really tell whether it's suitable with the hot-humid weather..  there is this new korean product in malaysia called bb cream.. people said it is quite good for asian skin
2) blusher - my first ever blusher.. tadaaa.. MAC matte blusher.. the promoter applied soo many different types of blusher on my face.. and thanked to that, i've got a really itchy cheeks for the next few days.. euwww i dun think they even wash their brushes.. huhu!
peach color
3) mascara - org kasi.. nanti nak beli maybelline ke ape ke.. tunggu gaji masuk.. then kite enjoy!!!

4) gel eye liner - i've been using pencil eye liner  for quite some time and it's soo difficult to get a smooth line.. but wallaa when i tried this bobbi brown gel eyeliner, i can get a smooth and even eyeliner in no time.. aku mintak tolong my frens belikan gel eyeliner nih atas flight emirates sbb OMG it's soo cheap.. black and brown gel eyeliner plus the brush cost only 25 pound!!! massive saving tau.. kat msia nih mau dekat rm300 or kat sini satu tube yg black jee cost 50pound!!
OMG, it's soo good
5) eye shadow - aku suke pakai eyeshadow mcm2 color.. soo i bought 2 different palette yg matte and berkilat2 nye.. hhehe.. baru best.. bought mine from ebay

6) brushes - someone told me to invest on brushed and suggest MAC.. tpkan kalu beli kat kedai mmg kopak laa.. soo i bought MAC travel set brushes online.. senang nak travel.. mmg worth it lah..
my precious 
7) lip gloss - ini org bagi.. hehhe... ade org suggest revlon/maybelline.. nanti nak beli gak nih

8) illuminator / concealer - ini sbb promoter tuh beria2 tau.. aku ape lagi, gaji baru masuk, terus angkut satu.. mmg worth it kut.. make up eyes look a lot bigger and more berseri2.. 
tak tahan godaan
soo my next shopping list : mascara, lipgloss, lipstick, and primer.. nanti aku update lagi tau

oh aku baru tgk anu dalam botol.. org kata ade adegan hero mandi bogel.. tapi x nampak apa2 pong, soo aku sgt kecewa kut.. bg janji palsu, alang2 dah bogel, bagi laa clear teruskan... baru puas penonton nak tgk..


  1. dah warning dah, org laki xley baca.. xpe nanti blanja mr think tank
