Friday 27 May 2011

i'm not Harry Potter

aku agak panas hati lately, taktau lah kenapa. Banyak betol patients yang menyakitkan hati. They want a quick fix. Puhleaseee, I'm not Harry Potter!!. I i dont have a magic wand to cast a spell on you!! begini kisahnya..
i am not Harry Potter disini
Setengah orang tuh, datang consult aku menangis2, konon2 dah try macam2 untuk kurangkan berat badan tapi tak menjadi. Bising2 pasal cellulit lah, dimpling lah. Pastu salahkan baby dia. Disebabkan baby, dia tak dapat nak pegi gym, sebabkan baby, tak dapat nak masak mende healthy. Then, mintak ubat nak kurus. Memang dah policy clinic GP nih, kitorg tak akan bagi slimming pill. Coz it doesnt work!! there is no such thing as quick fix. No pain no gain. Boss dah warning dah jangan bagi slimming pill.

Paling sakitkan hati, bila aku nak tolong refer to dietician and buat blood test to rule thyroid problem ke ape ke, terus refuse. Cakap waste of time lah, apa lah. Bullshit!!

Pastu tried to avoid pulak bila aku try to get proper history about her food intake and exercise pattern. Siap marah2 lagi cakap, she's not a couch potato lah, eat a lot of vegetable lah etc etc. Hello biatch, if you work your ass and stop snacking, stop eating fish and chips everyday, you'll definitely drop not only 1 size, probably 3!!! [aku hanyalah menjerit didalam hati]

Hot ass disini
Setengan orang sangatlah tak ada reasonable punya impian, nak body kurus keding cam Cheryl Coe, buntot mantap cam Pippa Middleton. Hey bitch, all these personalities have their own personal trainer, tight diet regime, and yes, they also received a lot of extra hands from surgeons. Please be reasonable, pompuan mana yang tak ada cellulite? forget those images in magazines and telly.

Again, please remember, no pain no gain. If you wanna hot body please be prepare to work your ass and squeeze your wallet!!! emotional betol aku. Dah lah aku tengah diet nih, tahan makan, cycle hari2, siap ada calories calculator dlm iphone lagi.