Saturday 28 May 2011

my first takoyaki!!!

first time aku makan takoyaki dekat sebuah kedai jepun kat manchester.. tapi kawan aku cakap tak best sgt, sedap lagi yg jual yg jusco. aku dah lama dah teringin nak buat takoyaki tapi sebab takde mould takoyaki so aku tak buat lah..

pastu dalam masa aku shopping sakan nak bawak balik barang2 dari sini balik malaysia, aku pon terbelilah takoyaki pan itu.. so, lepas aku abes exam mrcp aku aritu, aku dah bosan, tak ade keje nak buat.. aku pon youtube recipe takoyaki dan cara2 masak. masalahnya, memang susah kut aku nak cari bahan2 dia, so aku hentam je lah.. one more thing, aku malas nak beli groceries, so aku hentam je guna apa2 yang dalam fridge.

ini original recipe yang aku dpt dr youtube, ada banyak variety recipe dia, so pandai2 lah kan

my first takoyaki!!
Takoyaki Batter -
1 Egg
1 cup of boiled octopus brooth - original recipe use icy cold water, i'm just tooo lazy

1 tsp Soy Sauce
oyster sauce
chili powder
A Pinch of Salt
1 cup normal flour + 1 teaspoon baking soda - original recipe use soft wheat flour, i dunno where to find this

chopped baby octopus

chopped onion
Sakuraebi - Dried Pink Baby Shrimps : fry it without oil and mash it up into powder form

fish sauce

1) mix brooth + salt + egg+ soy sauce+ oyster sauce+ chili powder+ fish sauce
2) add flour and baking powder and mix well
3) grease your takoyaki pan with vegetable oil
4) when it's hot, tuangkan batter tadi
5) then campakkan chopped octopus, onion, sakuraebi, n fish sauce
6) using bamboo stick, turn kan takoyaki about 90 degree, bila dah masak lagi repeat the whole process, nak senang paham watch this video

7) bile dah masak bley dip with anything, selalunye japanese mayonaise and vinegar sauce, tapi aku malas aku mkn dgn thai sweet chili

ok laa rasa dia, next time aku try guna:
spring onion instead onion
buat tenkasu for decoration - basically, batter yg dah siap, di titik2 dalam hot oil, fry it up and use as decoration
try cari pickled ginger
fish brooth instead of octopus brooth - make sure it's icy cold
use bamboo stick yang tajam instead of chopstick
use japan mayonaise
guna byk sket minyak, kalu minyak byk lagi crispy

until then