Thursday 19 May 2011

kerenah manusia..

skang nih kan aku buat GP [general practice] or lebey kurang cam clinic desa.. normally, i have morning consultation from 9-11 and afternoon consultation from 4-6pm, sometimes 2-5pm if i have to do baby clinic.. lunch break about 1 hr and half, actually i have a really long gap between clinic, tp boss  x bagi  lunch lama2, kena jugak terperap dlm office, in case the nurse or anyone need something .. yg best nye i've got my own room, computer etc etc.. ape lagi menyetan bukak facebook and surfing x ingat dunia..

best dpt office sendrik
tapi kadang2 kalu nasib x baik kena buat byk jugak referral letters for my patients to secondary care [cardiology, neurology etc etc].. pastu boss mmg perahlah keringat aku nih, mula2 start aritu, kena buat insurance letter, dah laa panjang berjela, byk lak tuh...

sini kan negara kebajikan, so a lot of people try to claim benefit eventho  they dont really need it..  it's my job then to give  a medical statement about their health, etc etc.. ada tuh, depress and alcohol abuse je, tp ngada2 nak claim benefit jugak.. otak ade ke tak.. get a life mate!

jauhi arak
aku pernah sound sorang mamat nih sbb xnak stop drinking, aku kan natural-born nagger, hahha.. pastu asyik complain depress jee... oit diphead, u'll feel better if u stop drinking!!!

mmg arak nih xde apa yg bagus pon.. aku paling benci bau beer/wine or any alcoholic drink.. it's stinks.. nape lah orang melayu yg pegi clubbing kat msia nun suka sgt tonggang air setan nih? x paham aku..